Ironman Canada Goals

Here are my goals for Ironman Canada. I'm putting them on the blog so that everyday I'll be reminded of what I'm working toward.

Swim-1:00:00 T1-:4:00 Bike-5:30:00 T2-:4:00 Run-3:30:00

Total - 10:08:00

How to achieve world class fitness!!

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.
~Greg Glassman

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today was a crossfit intensive day! I started this morning with a solid crossfit endurance workout and then did my crossfit workout at lunch. As for the CFE workout I ran in the neighborhood behind the hotel. At one point in the run I was resting when a lady walking past asked me if I was ok. I said yes I'm fine I'm just doing some speed work. She said "you mean you run really fast for a few minutes and then rest", I said exactly! Maybe she was a crossfitter too!!

So the CFE workout today was 2 minutes on/1 minute off x 8 times. I think I did pretty good considering I just came off my little sickness. Here are the stats: 1 - 6:08 pace, .33 miles; 2 - 6:29 pace, .31 miles; 3 - 6:32 pace, .31 miles; 4 - 6:11 pace, .32 miles; 5 - 6:02 pace, .33 miles; 6 - 6:05 pace, .33 miles; 7 - 6:18 pace, .32 miles; 8 - 6:23 pace, .31 miles.

After that I had breakfast and took a 3 hour break. I went back to Dalton's Crossfit and since it's only about 1 mile from my hotel I just ran to the box. It was a good warm up and cool down after the workout. Here is what we did for a warmup and workout.

Jump rope (double unders, one leg, etc) 5 minutes
Explosive Pushups (Clapping) 4 x 5
1 - arm KB Cleans (Light weight)
1 - arm KB Swings (Light weight)
OH Squats (Light weight)

3 rounds for time of:

Front rack lunge (2 steps forward/2 steps backwards), OH Squat x 10
Double unders 15 seconds on/15 seconds off x 4
then rest 90 seconds between rounds

Rest 5 minutes

3 minutes on/1 minute off for 3 rounds of:

5 KB Cleans, 5 KB Swings right arm
5 KB Cleans, 5 KB Swings left arm

I used 75lbs for the lunges and OH squats. I used 26lbs for the KB cleans and swings. It was a good workout. The lunges and OH squats took me 23:37 to complete. My legs are smoked right now and it really feels good to be back to my normal level of soreness.

How does that overhead squat look? Jeannie??

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