Today was a crossfit intensive day! I started this morning with a solid crossfit endurance workout and then did my crossfit workout at lunch. As for the CFE workout I ran in the neighborhood behind the hotel. At one point in the run I was resting when a lady walking past asked me if I was ok. I said yes I'm fine I'm just doing some speed work. She said "you mean you run really fast for a few minutes and then rest", I said exactly! Maybe she was a crossfitter too!!
So the CFE workout today was 2 minutes on/1 minute off x 8 times. I think I did pretty good considering I just came off my little sickness. Here are the stats: 1 - 6:08 pace, .33 miles; 2 - 6:29 pace, .31 miles; 3 - 6:32 pace, .31 miles; 4 - 6:11 pace, .32 miles; 5 - 6:02 pace, .33 miles; 6 - 6:05 pace, .33 miles; 7 - 6:18 pace, .32 miles; 8 - 6:23 pace, .31 miles.
After that I had breakfast and took a 3 hour break. I went back to Dalton's Crossfit and since it's only about 1 mile from my hotel I just ran to the box. It was a good warm up and cool down after the workout. Here is what we did for a warmup and workout.
Jump rope (double unders, one leg, etc) 5 minutes
Explosive Pushups (Clapping) 4 x 5
1 - arm KB Cleans (Light weight)
1 - arm KB Swings (Light weight)
OH Squats (Light weight)
3 rounds for time of:
Front rack lunge (2 steps forward/2 steps backwards), OH Squat x 10
Double unders 15 seconds on/15 seconds off x 4
then rest 90 seconds between rounds
Rest 5 minutes
3 minutes on/1 minute off for 3 rounds of:
5 KB Cleans, 5 KB Swings right arm
5 KB Cleans, 5 KB Swings left arm
I used 75lbs for the lunges and OH squats. I used 26lbs for the KB cleans and swings. It was a good workout. The lunges and OH squats took me 23:37 to complete. My legs are smoked right now and it really feels good to be back to my normal level of soreness.
How does that overhead squat look? Jeannie??
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