Today I had a few exciting moments on the bike. I ride from my hotel to a beach road with a bike lane. Actually the road to the beach has a bike lane but there are just to many red lights to really get going. So I just warm up on the way to the beach, which is about 4 miles. Once I hit the beach road I started today's workout. I did 4 x 5k with 2 minute recovery at best possible pace. Here is what the numbers show. Lap 1 - 8:31 with 21.8 mph avg, Lap 2 - 8:07 with 22.9 mph avg, Lap 3 - 9:10 with 20.3 mph avg, Lap 4 - 8:37 with 21.6 mph avg. On these laps I had to deal with three cross walk red lights and one stop sign. I'm not making excuses just pointing out that I had to stop and go a few times on each event. Total riding distance was 22.31 miles including warm up and cool down. Oh yeah the exciting part.....a lady in a SUV tried to run over me when she was trying to turn around to park at the beach. Luckily I was able to squeeze by her on the shoulder. Then I was approaching a crosswalk with a green light for me but a guy in a hurry to get to the beach had other ideas. Those ideas didn't include looking for a bike so he stepped out in front of me and I once again had to maneuver. All in a day's bike ride here in S. FL.
Nobody showed up at the crossfit gym today when I was there so the trainer suggested that I do a max dead lift. Especially after my bike ride. So I starting in on the dead lifts. My PR is 315lbs. I did sets of 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 to warm up to my PR weight. Instead of setting up 315 lbs I decided that I should go to 325 lbs before I really wear myself out. So I approached the bar to lift that new PR. With the trainer checking my form I got set for the lift. I started the lift and got it about 2 inches off the ground when I let my back round out like a pissed off cat. I stepped back and thought about my last attempt. I reset my stance, straight back with slight lumbar curve, tension on the arms and shoulders lifting with my legs and back in unison I smoothly lifted my new PR dead lift of 325 lbs. It felt great to move that weight. I tried 335 lbs next but I'm just not ready to go that little extra distance. However, there is nothing quit like a new PR.
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Today was a perfect weather day here in West Palm Beach, FL, sunny and 78 degrees. I finished class at 3pm and headed straight to the outdoor pool. I like swimming outside but what I really need to be doing is swimming in the open water. I'm going to go ahead and order a wetsuit and start swimming in the ocean. The question I have to answer is whether I want a sleeveless or full suit. I'll do more research and let you guys know what I decide.
The crossfit endurance WOD for today's swim was:
2 x 25m with 30 second recovery
2 x 50m with 30 second recovery
2 x 100m with 45 second recovery
2 x 200m with 60 second recovery
My times for each swim were :18, :18, :38, :39, 1:28, 1:30, 3:14, 3:16
My swimming is getting much better and smoother. I just need to get some open water experience.
After waiting a few hours and getting a caramel macchiato recovery drink I headed over to BGI Fitness for some crossfit. I actually thought I was going to be late tonight only to find out that I was 30 minutes early. That just gave me some extra warmup time. The WOD tonight was "Helen gets Ballsy" which is 3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Wall balls
12 Pullups
Now if you've been following me you should know that I love any workout with a run. This one was no different. It was a ball buster but I was able to complete the entire workout without stopping once to rest. My time was 8:49 and I used a 20lb wall ball. What a great workout!
I really love this is stuff!!
The crossfit endurance WOD for today's swim was:
2 x 25m with 30 second recovery
2 x 50m with 30 second recovery
2 x 100m with 45 second recovery
2 x 200m with 60 second recovery
My times for each swim were :18, :18, :38, :39, 1:28, 1:30, 3:14, 3:16
My swimming is getting much better and smoother. I just need to get some open water experience.
After waiting a few hours and getting a caramel macchiato recovery drink I headed over to BGI Fitness for some crossfit. I actually thought I was going to be late tonight only to find out that I was 30 minutes early. That just gave me some extra warmup time. The WOD tonight was "Helen gets Ballsy" which is 3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Wall balls
12 Pullups
Now if you've been following me you should know that I love any workout with a run. This one was no different. It was a ball buster but I was able to complete the entire workout without stopping once to rest. My time was 8:49 and I used a 20lb wall ball. What a great workout!
I really love this is stuff!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hello Friends!
Well I survived my motorcycle trip to Key West, FL. It was a blast and now, of course, I want a motorcycle. However, I'm not really interested in a Harley. I'm much more of the BMW type so once I get in a better place I might just have to purchase a nice BMW touring bike to get out and have some fun on.
Now back to the task at hand. Today I found myself back at BGI Fitness, my crossfit home away from home. The workout today was called "Forty Something" which is very appropriate for me since I'm just a few weeks away from 45. "Forty Something" consisted of 5 events: 40 Box Jumps, 40 Knees to Elbows, 40 Double Unders, 40 Kettlebell swings and 40 Burpees. I used a 30" box and a 53lb KB for an RX'd time of 12:15. I was smoked when I finished but I really love that feeling.
After dinner and a few hours of studying I went down to the hotel workout room to run. I did yesterday's crossfit endurance workout on the treadmill. The workout was 20:10 x 8 Tabata using a 12 degree incline at 6:45 pace. In case you don't know a Tabata workout is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds. After the first few I was thinking how this is going to be a piece of cake. By round 7 and 8 I was just trying to keep my legs moving so I didn't fly off the back of the treadmill and splat against the wall. Luckily I was able to push through and get it done. Those are get workouts for your speed. Let's hope that it helps me get faster!
Have a good day!
Well I survived my motorcycle trip to Key West, FL. It was a blast and now, of course, I want a motorcycle. However, I'm not really interested in a Harley. I'm much more of the BMW type so once I get in a better place I might just have to purchase a nice BMW touring bike to get out and have some fun on.
Now back to the task at hand. Today I found myself back at BGI Fitness, my crossfit home away from home. The workout today was called "Forty Something" which is very appropriate for me since I'm just a few weeks away from 45. "Forty Something" consisted of 5 events: 40 Box Jumps, 40 Knees to Elbows, 40 Double Unders, 40 Kettlebell swings and 40 Burpees. I used a 30" box and a 53lb KB for an RX'd time of 12:15. I was smoked when I finished but I really love that feeling.
After dinner and a few hours of studying I went down to the hotel workout room to run. I did yesterday's crossfit endurance workout on the treadmill. The workout was 20:10 x 8 Tabata using a 12 degree incline at 6:45 pace. In case you don't know a Tabata workout is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds. After the first few I was thinking how this is going to be a piece of cake. By round 7 and 8 I was just trying to keep my legs moving so I didn't fly off the back of the treadmill and splat against the wall. Luckily I was able to push through and get it done. Those are get workouts for your speed. Let's hope that it helps me get faster!
Have a good day!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Good Morning Friends!!
I didn't write last night because I was exhausted and fell asleep. I slept like a baby last night too. So today I'll catch you up on yesterday and today's workouts.
Yesterday I went to BGI Fitness to get my crossfit on. They did not disappoint either.
5 rounds for time of: run 400m, 15 deadlifts
This was the first time I had ran since the marathon last weekend. I'm glad to say that all my aches and pains are gone from that event. So my run speed was a big contributor to my overall time. I used 185lbs for the deadlift. My thoughts were that I'm still kind of recovering from the marathon. Looking back I think I should have used 205lbs and will next time a WOD like this comes up. So my time ended up being 14:39.
I have been planning to do some brick training on Saturday's while I'm here in West Palm Beach. In case you don't know brick training is where you do two events just like a race. Swim to bike or bike to run. So this morning I got up early and hit the road. I started the day with a 20 mile bike up the beach. Luckily the hotel I'm staying at has a bike lane that goes to the beach and the beach road also has a bike lane. The bike time was 1:02:00. I took the bike up to my room changed into my running shoes and then hit the road again. The transition took 8:00 minutes, which isn't bad considering I had to take the bike up the elevator and get back down. The run was 3.0 miles with a time of 20:21.
Overall I felt pretty good with both. I need to increase the mileage on these bricks but I'm pretty happy with this mornings workout.
Now for some fun. I'm here with one of my business partners and we towed his Harley down here with us. So today I'm renting an Electra Glide Harley and we are going to cruise down to Key West. It's a beautiful day with temps in the 80's and I'm looking forward to some R & R or at least more R & R than I normally do. Don't worry Mom I'll be careful.
Have a great weekend friends!!!
I didn't write last night because I was exhausted and fell asleep. I slept like a baby last night too. So today I'll catch you up on yesterday and today's workouts.
Yesterday I went to BGI Fitness to get my crossfit on. They did not disappoint either.
5 rounds for time of: run 400m, 15 deadlifts
This was the first time I had ran since the marathon last weekend. I'm glad to say that all my aches and pains are gone from that event. So my run speed was a big contributor to my overall time. I used 185lbs for the deadlift. My thoughts were that I'm still kind of recovering from the marathon. Looking back I think I should have used 205lbs and will next time a WOD like this comes up. So my time ended up being 14:39.
I have been planning to do some brick training on Saturday's while I'm here in West Palm Beach. In case you don't know brick training is where you do two events just like a race. Swim to bike or bike to run. So this morning I got up early and hit the road. I started the day with a 20 mile bike up the beach. Luckily the hotel I'm staying at has a bike lane that goes to the beach and the beach road also has a bike lane. The bike time was 1:02:00. I took the bike up to my room changed into my running shoes and then hit the road again. The transition took 8:00 minutes, which isn't bad considering I had to take the bike up the elevator and get back down. The run was 3.0 miles with a time of 20:21.
Overall I felt pretty good with both. I need to increase the mileage on these bricks but I'm pretty happy with this mornings workout.
Now for some fun. I'm here with one of my business partners and we towed his Harley down here with us. So today I'm renting an Electra Glide Harley and we are going to cruise down to Key West. It's a beautiful day with temps in the 80's and I'm looking forward to some R & R or at least more R & R than I normally do. Don't worry Mom I'll be careful.
Have a great weekend friends!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Swim Day
Well school is going well and I'm finding that I have time in the afternoon for my workouts. Today I stopped at a bicycle store call "The Bicyclery". The owner Tom was very helpful in helping me find a good place to swim and putting me in touch with another store that caters to triathletes. I was originally going to workout with a masters club at the North Palm Beach CC. Yeah I was thinking the same and a bunch of CC types in the same pool. Not my style...hehe.
So I found a nice outdoor pool near my hotel. It's a 25 meter pool and perfect for my workouts. I'm going to eventually go over to the ocean and do some open water swims. The only problem with that is the man in the grey suit is cruising the beach this time of year. Plus I'd like to have a wetsuit since the water temp here is about 73 degrees.
Today I did a repeat of yesterday, minus the crossfit workout. I did the swim version of 3 x 5 minute with 2 minute rest between events. Here are my distances: 1 - 300m, 2 - 250m, 3 - 300m. I'm not really sure what happened on that second round. I did enjoy the swim and pool so I'll be doing most of my swims there.
Life is good!
So I found a nice outdoor pool near my hotel. It's a 25 meter pool and perfect for my workouts. I'm going to eventually go over to the ocean and do some open water swims. The only problem with that is the man in the grey suit is cruising the beach this time of year. Plus I'd like to have a wetsuit since the water temp here is about 73 degrees.
Today I did a repeat of yesterday, minus the crossfit workout. I did the swim version of 3 x 5 minute with 2 minute rest between events. Here are my distances: 1 - 300m, 2 - 250m, 3 - 300m. I'm not really sure what happened on that second round. I did enjoy the swim and pool so I'll be doing most of my swims there.
Life is good!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It was another beautiful day here in West Palm Beach, FL. I had planned to get up early and ride my bike but it was still to dark to ride at 0645 and I have to be at school by 0800. That is just not enough time. So next week I'm going to start doing crossfit at 0600 and then do my endurance workouts in the afternoon.
Today I did my workouts with only about 2 hours between them. The WOD of the day at BGI was a combination of strength and a short metcon (metabolic conditioning). We started with the press doing 5-5-3-3-1-1 and were looking for a max press. I was able to get 145Lbs over head. We then did an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 7 minutes of 10 push press (using 50% of max press), 5 strict pull ups. I did 9 rounds of the AMRAP.
I then headed back to the hotel for the free dinner. Tonight I had nothing but baked chicken and meat balls. All paleo and yummy!
The endurance workout was 3 x 5 minutes at best pace. I'm not quit ready to do any running so I got on the bike and heading out. After a short 1 mile warm up I started the workout. I did 5 minutes at best pace and then rested 2 minutes. While I was "resting" I continued to ride just to put more miles on my body. I ended up doing 5.5 miles in 15 minutes which works out to 2:44 per mile. The total ride was 8.5 miles.
Have a good day friends!!
Today I did my workouts with only about 2 hours between them. The WOD of the day at BGI was a combination of strength and a short metcon (metabolic conditioning). We started with the press doing 5-5-3-3-1-1 and were looking for a max press. I was able to get 145Lbs over head. We then did an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 7 minutes of 10 push press (using 50% of max press), 5 strict pull ups. I did 9 rounds of the AMRAP.
I then headed back to the hotel for the free dinner. Tonight I had nothing but baked chicken and meat balls. All paleo and yummy!
The endurance workout was 3 x 5 minutes at best pace. I'm not quit ready to do any running so I got on the bike and heading out. After a short 1 mile warm up I started the workout. I did 5 minutes at best pace and then rested 2 minutes. While I was "resting" I continued to ride just to put more miles on my body. I ended up doing 5.5 miles in 15 minutes which works out to 2:44 per mile. The total ride was 8.5 miles.
Have a good day friends!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
BGI Fitness
BGI fitness also known as West Palm Beach Crossfit is my new crossfit home for the next 30 days. I went over today to do a very light workout so that I could workout some of the soreness. Well I didn't do a very good job of that. I decided to do the WOD with the group and once I heard 3-2-1 GO something in my head took over. The good news is I felt great considering I'm 2 days post marathon. The only lingering pain is in my ankle but I'm working on that with ice, trigger point and stretching.
The WOD was something different that I had never done before. It was fast paced and fun plus the folks at BGI were kicking some butt. Here is the workout:
30 box jumps, 15 get ups, 15 dips, 1 rope climb
20 box jumps, 10 get ups, 10 dips, 1 rope climb
10 box jumps, 5 gets ups, 5 dips, 1 rope climb
I used 30" for the box jumps (yeah I know but I felt great). The get ups are done with your feet under dump bells and you basically do a situp to a full standing position. You can also use a small weight to help with balance. They were actually very hard!! I did regular dips (not ring) and the rope climb was to 20 feet. My time was 10:04 and I felt much better after the workout than before I started.
Tonight I got my bike all ready to start riding. Plus I did the trigger point exercises for my legs and feet. I have neglected my legs for way to long. Considering how important everything is from the feet to the hips you'll be seeing me do a lot more stretching and trigger point. Not only do my muscles need to be strong for this Ironman they also need to be healthy.
Have a good day friends!
The WOD was something different that I had never done before. It was fast paced and fun plus the folks at BGI were kicking some butt. Here is the workout:
30 box jumps, 15 get ups, 15 dips, 1 rope climb
20 box jumps, 10 get ups, 10 dips, 1 rope climb
10 box jumps, 5 gets ups, 5 dips, 1 rope climb
I used 30" for the box jumps (yeah I know but I felt great). The get ups are done with your feet under dump bells and you basically do a situp to a full standing position. You can also use a small weight to help with balance. They were actually very hard!! I did regular dips (not ring) and the rope climb was to 20 feet. My time was 10:04 and I felt much better after the workout than before I started.
Tonight I got my bike all ready to start riding. Plus I did the trigger point exercises for my legs and feet. I have neglected my legs for way to long. Considering how important everything is from the feet to the hips you'll be seeing me do a lot more stretching and trigger point. Not only do my muscles need to be strong for this Ironman they also need to be healthy.
Have a good day friends!
Monday, March 22, 2010
West Palm Beach, FL
Well I made it to West Palm Beach, FL my new home for the next month. I brought my bike and running shoes, although I don't want to see those shoes for a few weeks. While I'm hear I'm doing a sprint triathlon in South Beach Miami. I'm going to spend the next few weeks working on my bike and swim. I'll just ease back into my running as the soreness goes away. This morning I could barely walk but as the day progressed I started walking like a normal person. My goal is get back into the gym for some crossfit by Wednesday and take a short run by Friday.
But for now I'm thinking about the short term and that includes some stretching, trigger point roller and a shower.
Have a great day!
But for now I'm thinking about the short term and that includes some stretching, trigger point roller and a shower.
Have a great day!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Shamrock Marathon
Hello Friends!
Today I did the Shamrock marathon. It was not pretty but overall I think I did well. The day started with the usual get up early, eat very little and of course have a coffee. Then my friend Lisa and I drove down to the ocean front to find parking. We got lucky with a great location near Laskin Rd that was free and the car wasn't towed when we returned.
Now I need to give a very big shout out to Lisa. She is awesome and was there with me all day in both spirit and physically. When I finished the race I saw her big smile and it made me feel better. (I was hurting bad but more on that later). Thank you Lisa!! You totally rock!!
I did a very good job sticking to my plan. Which was an 8 minute pace to the finish. I also ate a gatorade gel every 3 miles with 10oz of water. The first 13.1 mile were no problem at all. I think I actually could have PR'd the half if that had been my race. When I met up with Lisa at the 13.1 mile mark, to reload my gels and get a sip of a caramel macchiato, I was sitting at 1:42:00 with an average pace of 7:48 per mile. Beyond this point I was completely in uncharted territory. I have never ran past 13.1 miles and I was feeling very strong at this point. The race continued very will up to 21 miles. When I got to that point I was still holding a 7:48 per mile pace. I was just thinking all I need to do is finish this off with a 40 minute 5 mile run and I'll qualify for Boston at 3:30:00. However, by 21.4 miles my quads started cramping so bad that I had to stop running. Actually, I could barely walk and it took me about 3 minutes to stretch my legs out. Once I started running again it became a battle between my mind and my legs to get it done. I would run until the cramps returned then stop, stretch and massage my legs. Sometimes I could go a half mile and other times I could only make it a few hundred feet. I was miserable!! When I hit the boardwalk I only had 7 blocks to the finish. Let me tell you it was the longest 7 blocks of my life. I only had to walk once on the boardwalk and it was all I could do to finish with some dignity. My time was 3:47:27 which is an 8:40 per mile pace.
When I crossed the finish line two medical personal asked me if I was ok. I told them that I had severe leg cramps and they told me to keep walking toward the medical tent. What I wanted to say was "can you just amputate them right here?" Now just between you and me I was not going to the medical tent unless somebody was carrying me. So I kept walking and hurting. Lisa found me and I got a big hug and kiss which was a big spirit lifter after the last 5 miles. She was kind enough to take me to her house and push me in the hot tub for 15 minutes. Then I laid on her living room floor for 30 minutes trying to get the strength to go shower. I finally felt good enough to eat so Lisa made me some pizza. So you see Lisa does ROCK!! Thank you again Lisa!!
So now I'm in Florence, SC because I have to be in West Palm Beach, FL tomorrow night. My business partner Austin and I decided to drive so we could take his Harley. He did all the driving today and I just chilled out and ate things that I would normally never touch.
It was a good day!!
Today I did the Shamrock marathon. It was not pretty but overall I think I did well. The day started with the usual get up early, eat very little and of course have a coffee. Then my friend Lisa and I drove down to the ocean front to find parking. We got lucky with a great location near Laskin Rd that was free and the car wasn't towed when we returned.
Now I need to give a very big shout out to Lisa. She is awesome and was there with me all day in both spirit and physically. When I finished the race I saw her big smile and it made me feel better. (I was hurting bad but more on that later). Thank you Lisa!! You totally rock!!
I did a very good job sticking to my plan. Which was an 8 minute pace to the finish. I also ate a gatorade gel every 3 miles with 10oz of water. The first 13.1 mile were no problem at all. I think I actually could have PR'd the half if that had been my race. When I met up with Lisa at the 13.1 mile mark, to reload my gels and get a sip of a caramel macchiato, I was sitting at 1:42:00 with an average pace of 7:48 per mile. Beyond this point I was completely in uncharted territory. I have never ran past 13.1 miles and I was feeling very strong at this point. The race continued very will up to 21 miles. When I got to that point I was still holding a 7:48 per mile pace. I was just thinking all I need to do is finish this off with a 40 minute 5 mile run and I'll qualify for Boston at 3:30:00. However, by 21.4 miles my quads started cramping so bad that I had to stop running. Actually, I could barely walk and it took me about 3 minutes to stretch my legs out. Once I started running again it became a battle between my mind and my legs to get it done. I would run until the cramps returned then stop, stretch and massage my legs. Sometimes I could go a half mile and other times I could only make it a few hundred feet. I was miserable!! When I hit the boardwalk I only had 7 blocks to the finish. Let me tell you it was the longest 7 blocks of my life. I only had to walk once on the boardwalk and it was all I could do to finish with some dignity. My time was 3:47:27 which is an 8:40 per mile pace.
When I crossed the finish line two medical personal asked me if I was ok. I told them that I had severe leg cramps and they told me to keep walking toward the medical tent. What I wanted to say was "can you just amputate them right here?" Now just between you and me I was not going to the medical tent unless somebody was carrying me. So I kept walking and hurting. Lisa found me and I got a big hug and kiss which was a big spirit lifter after the last 5 miles. She was kind enough to take me to her house and push me in the hot tub for 15 minutes. Then I laid on her living room floor for 30 minutes trying to get the strength to go shower. I finally felt good enough to eat so Lisa made me some pizza. So you see Lisa does ROCK!! Thank you again Lisa!!
So now I'm in Florence, SC because I have to be in West Palm Beach, FL tomorrow night. My business partner Austin and I decided to drive so we could take his Harley. He did all the driving today and I just chilled out and ate things that I would normally never touch.
It was a good day!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Swim Day
Hello friends!
Well I've been taking it easy this week. Normally I would have ran easy today but my left ankle is bothering me a little. I'm just nursing it so instead of doing nothing I went to the pool and did a nice 800m swim. I'm glad to report that my swimming is getting much better. I did the swim today in 13:40. I'm very happy about today's swim.
Well the next event for me will be the marathon on Sunday. After the marathon I'm going to get some hot tub time at my friend Lisa's house and then I have to start driving to West Palm Beach, FL. Luckily my friend Austin is going to be driving on Sunday so I can just stretch out and sleep or cry depending on how I feel.
Have a good weekend.
Well I've been taking it easy this week. Normally I would have ran easy today but my left ankle is bothering me a little. I'm just nursing it so instead of doing nothing I went to the pool and did a nice 800m swim. I'm glad to report that my swimming is getting much better. I did the swim today in 13:40. I'm very happy about today's swim.
Well the next event for me will be the marathon on Sunday. After the marathon I'm going to get some hot tub time at my friend Lisa's house and then I have to start driving to West Palm Beach, FL. Luckily my friend Austin is going to be driving on Sunday so I can just stretch out and sleep or cry depending on how I feel.
Have a good weekend.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Lite day
This week is taper week prior to the marathon. So today I did a moderate crossfit workout. Now this workout is not moderate by any stretch of the imagination. However I did it with only 65lbs instead of the RX'd 95lbs. The workout is a crossfit benchmark workout called JOSH. Here is the workout.
21 Overhead squats (OHS)
42 pullups
15 OHS
30 pullups
18 pullups
Now I did this at a moderate pace and weight. My time to finish was 9:54. Good workout and I'm looking forward to doing it at prescribed weights.
21 Overhead squats (OHS)
42 pullups
15 OHS
30 pullups
18 pullups
Now I did this at a moderate pace and weight. My time to finish was 9:54. Good workout and I'm looking forward to doing it at prescribed weights.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Big Swim
Hello friends!! Well I didn't do any crossfit today because I'm tapering for the marathon. What I did make time for was a nice steady swim. I went to the pool this afternoon to just work on my stroke and burn off some stress. I ended up swimming one mile in 31:47 which is slower than my planned pace but I felt strong and could have swam another mile without any problem. I'll increase these long steady swims as I get further into the season.
I'm heading to West Palm Beach, FL for the next 30 days. I'm planning to get some real open water swims in while I'm at that location. I'm also going to be doing the Nautica South Beach sprint on April 11. It's a 1/2 mile swim, 19 mile bike and 4 mile run. I entered in the celebrity division but for some unexplained reason I was moved back to the age groupers. I'll have to write a strongly worded letter about that to someone about that.
Well enjoy the day my friends!
I'm heading to West Palm Beach, FL for the next 30 days. I'm planning to get some real open water swims in while I'm at that location. I'm also going to be doing the Nautica South Beach sprint on April 11. It's a 1/2 mile swim, 19 mile bike and 4 mile run. I entered in the celebrity division but for some unexplained reason I was moved back to the age groupers. I'll have to write a strongly worded letter about that to someone about that.
Well enjoy the day my friends!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
10 miler
OMG what am I thinking? Today I ran a 10 miler and in 7 days I'm doing my first marathon. I must be crazy....wait don't anybody answer that. I'm not crazy, at least in the fact that I don't do the same thing over and over expecting different results. I am crazy when it comes to crossfit, crossfit endurance and this chick named Lisa (but that is another story).
So I went out today for a long slow cruise. Well that was how I had planned it. I ended up doing 10 miles at a pace of 7:40 for a time of 1:16:18. If only I could keep that pace for the marathon. That is not the plan though. I'm hoping to do well on this first marathon but there are some unknowns. Such as I have never ran further than 13.1 miles. So my plan is to just get out there and maintain an 8:00 pace. That would give me a 3:30:00 finish time.
I do have a few goals for the this marathon.
1 - Have fun and enjoy the day
2 - Finish the race
3 - Evaluate my training plan
4 - Qualify for Boston 2011 (requires a 3:30:00 or better run)
I know that some of you might be thinking that I've never ran beyond 13.1 miles and 10 miles is my longest run since November 14. But I'll bet that very few of the long distance runners do crossfit to supplement their training. Nothing quite like 200 squats to get your legs attention, plus 200 squats will give you the burn of a half marathon in about 5 minutes. I love this stuff and next Sunday I'm going to put it to the test.
So I went out today for a long slow cruise. Well that was how I had planned it. I ended up doing 10 miles at a pace of 7:40 for a time of 1:16:18. If only I could keep that pace for the marathon. That is not the plan though. I'm hoping to do well on this first marathon but there are some unknowns. Such as I have never ran further than 13.1 miles. So my plan is to just get out there and maintain an 8:00 pace. That would give me a 3:30:00 finish time.
I do have a few goals for the this marathon.
1 - Have fun and enjoy the day
2 - Finish the race
3 - Evaluate my training plan
4 - Qualify for Boston 2011 (requires a 3:30:00 or better run)
I know that some of you might be thinking that I've never ran beyond 13.1 miles and 10 miles is my longest run since November 14. But I'll bet that very few of the long distance runners do crossfit to supplement their training. Nothing quite like 200 squats to get your legs attention, plus 200 squats will give you the burn of a half marathon in about 5 minutes. I love this stuff and next Sunday I'm going to put it to the test.
Moving In
Hey friends! I must apologize for not writing sooner. I have been moving into my new house and I just flat out forgot to write anything. It's currently early Sunday AM but I promise I'll be posting this evening to catch up everything that I have done since Thursday. Hopefully everyone is having a great weekend. I know that I am.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It sure did feel good to have a day off and get in two workouts. I started the day at bayside recreation center for some swimming. I haven't been in a pool since 18 Feb and it really felt good to get back in the pool. I was worried that swimming would kick my ass but I felt surprisingly strong. I also swam with a swim cap today for the first time. I'm glad that I did and I'm going to start wearing it all the time because it was really weird to have that thing on my head at first. I'll get used to it and perhaps it will help me get a little faster.
I did the same workout in the pool that I did yesterday running. The only difference is the distances. The swim version of TOSH is 3 x (50m + 100m + 200m) rest the amount of time it takes to do each interval. Here are my times in the pool: 50m - 00:37, 00:49, 00:39; 100m - 1:42, 1:46, 1:41; 200m - 3:56, 3:42, 3:46. I did a 200m warmup and 100m cool down. It was really nice to get back in the pool.
After a hearty breakfast of coffee and oatmeal I headed over to Jeannie's beach crossfit. It was really good to see Jeannie and the crew. I was even able to meet some new crossfitters that have joined since I was last there. I knew that Jeannie wouldn't disappoint me with a wimpy workout and I was right. So today after a good slow warm up we did the following workout:
4 rounds for time of: 6 push jerks, 12 pullups, 50 squats
I used 145lbs for the push jerks and it was just a little to heavy but I enjoyed pushing it with a little more weight. My time was 11:59 and I was whipped!! Great workout and I can't wait to hit it again.
I did the same workout in the pool that I did yesterday running. The only difference is the distances. The swim version of TOSH is 3 x (50m + 100m + 200m) rest the amount of time it takes to do each interval. Here are my times in the pool: 50m - 00:37, 00:49, 00:39; 100m - 1:42, 1:46, 1:41; 200m - 3:56, 3:42, 3:46. I did a 200m warmup and 100m cool down. It was really nice to get back in the pool.
After a hearty breakfast of coffee and oatmeal I headed over to Jeannie's beach crossfit. It was really good to see Jeannie and the crew. I was even able to meet some new crossfitters that have joined since I was last there. I knew that Jeannie wouldn't disappoint me with a wimpy workout and I was right. So today after a good slow warm up we did the following workout:
4 rounds for time of: 6 push jerks, 12 pullups, 50 squats
I used 145lbs for the push jerks and it was just a little to heavy but I enjoyed pushing it with a little more weight. My time was 11:59 and I was whipped!! Great workout and I can't wait to hit it again.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Run Day
I'm getting back in the groove after my trip and move. Today I was able to get out and do a little speed work on a bridge by my new house. It's not a really tall bridge but it's long and the grade steadily increases to the apex. I also ran in a new pair of shoes today for the first time. They are Zoot speed shoes and at first I really didn't like them. But I thought I'd give them a try and do the complete workout with them on and by the end of the workout I was really starting to like them. They are actually designed to be worn barefooted. I'll have to give that a try sometime. Ok back to the workout.
This was a speed workout called TOSH from crossfit endurance.
3 x (200m + 400m + 600m) rest after each run the exact time it took to run the distance. Example; 200m took me 37 seconds so I rested 37 seconds before starting the 400m run.
Overall I felt pretty good. I don't have my GPS watch with me right now but my time was 23:59 and that includes the rest periods. It's a good workout that doesn't seem that bad until your 300m into that first 400m run. It's a great anaerobic workout, give it a try!
This was a speed workout called TOSH from crossfit endurance.
3 x (200m + 400m + 600m) rest after each run the exact time it took to run the distance. Example; 200m took me 37 seconds so I rested 37 seconds before starting the 400m run.
Overall I felt pretty good. I don't have my GPS watch with me right now but my time was 23:59 and that includes the rest periods. It's a good workout that doesn't seem that bad until your 300m into that first 400m run. It's a great anaerobic workout, give it a try!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Back in the 757
Hello friends! I'm sorry for not posting yesterday but it was a busy day and I didn't workout. Actually I didn't workout today either but all that is about to change. I finally closed on my new house and started moving in Monday afternoon. That was after flying from Nashville, TN in a little helicopter. I started moving in last night. Of course when all you own is a bed, dresser and chest of drawers it doesn't take long to move in. My friend Lisa and her girls came over and helped me and my girls with some moving. Then I went and spent the night with my girls.
Today I had to work in the AM, visit my friend Lisa after lunch (this was more of a want to than a have to) and then organize stuff at the new house. I need to shout out to my friend Jack for helping me move all the big stuff into the house from the garage. Thank Jack!!
Tomorrow I'm going to get back to normal. I'm going to run in the afternoon but crossfit will have to wait until Thursday morning when I'll be returning to Jeannie's Beach Crossfit to get it on. I hope she has some ass kicking meet Mrs Pukey workout just for me! I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends at Jeannie's.
I also planned out my training schedule for the next 6 months. I figure if it's on the calender then I have to do it, right? So I did a swim/bike/run schedule of pretty much 3 on, 1 off right up until the Ironman, plus I'm going to continue to do 4-5 crossfit workouts per week. I also threw in some long brick training that will be working me up to Bike 90 miles/Run 20 miles two weeks prior to the Ironman. After that I'll just taper until the start gun goes off.
It's good to be back!!
Today I had to work in the AM, visit my friend Lisa after lunch (this was more of a want to than a have to) and then organize stuff at the new house. I need to shout out to my friend Jack for helping me move all the big stuff into the house from the garage. Thank Jack!!
Tomorrow I'm going to get back to normal. I'm going to run in the afternoon but crossfit will have to wait until Thursday morning when I'll be returning to Jeannie's Beach Crossfit to get it on. I hope she has some ass kicking meet Mrs Pukey workout just for me! I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends at Jeannie's.
I also planned out my training schedule for the next 6 months. I figure if it's on the calender then I have to do it, right? So I did a swim/bike/run schedule of pretty much 3 on, 1 off right up until the Ironman, plus I'm going to continue to do 4-5 crossfit workouts per week. I also threw in some long brick training that will be working me up to Bike 90 miles/Run 20 miles two weeks prior to the Ironman. After that I'll just taper until the start gun goes off.
It's good to be back!!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Amarillo, TX
Well friends after flying 6.6 hours yesterday I made it to Amarillo. My parents and brother live here so it's nice to see them and visit awhile. This morning we woke up to heavy fog. The forecast is for the fog to start clearing around 10am but right now it's looking like we maybe having lunch here. I guess I should put on my running gear and take a few laps around the airport. That's not going to happen because as soon as it's good enough to fly we're out of here. Our goal today was to make Knoxville, TN but right now we're just hoping to make Memphis, TN. We'll have to see what happens. Either way I will not be making it home for my closing Monday. Luckily my attorney has power of attorney to close for me. So hopefully I'll have a home to live in when I get home Monday night.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Guys this is going to be down and dirty. I've been busy today so I'm just getting around to writing about my run today. I did another slow long distance run today even though it really wasn't all that slow. I went back to the "mountain" for another 5 mile run but this time I had my Garmin 205 fully charged. The run is actually 4.81 miles and I was able to run it today in 39:44. That is a full 8 minutes faster than on Wednesday. I felt great after the run, as a matter of fact, I felt so great that I just ran the 3.2 miles back to hotel. Grand total for today was 8.02 miles in just a minute over 1 hour. I'm pretty happy with that because when I finished back at the hotel I was still feeling very strong.
Well tomorrow (today) I'm starting my journey back to Virginia. I'm flying a small helicopter home and if all goes well with weather and maintenance I should be home Monday. Just in time to finally close on my house. But that is another story........
Well tomorrow (today) I'm starting my journey back to Virginia. I'm flying a small helicopter home and if all goes well with weather and maintenance I should be home Monday. Just in time to finally close on my house. But that is another story........
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hello from California!!
Well I missed posting yesterday because the hotel internet connection was not working. So I'll recap yesterday and today on this blog.
Well I missed posting yesterday because the hotel internet connection was not working. So I'll recap yesterday and today on this blog.
Yesterday I did a crossfit endurance long slow run. One of the trainers at recommend a running trail that goes "around a mountain and is 5 miles long". I thought that would be a great idea. So Wednesday morning I headed up to the park, checked out the trail map and started running. After 2 miles of running pretty much straight up hill I was ready to walk, but I didn't. I finally reached the summit after 23 minutes and just over 2 miles of running. I was hoping that the last 3 miles would be all down hill but that just wasn't in the cards. The next 1.5 miles was up and down and not until the last 1.5 miles was it down hill. I was barely able to scratch out a 48 minute run over the mountain. That was it for Wednesday. I just didn't have it in me to go do squats after that run.
Today I took a day off from the running and did a straight crossfit workout. I went back to Dalton's crossfit and pretty much had the box to myself. Here is what he had me do after a pretty good warm up.
21-15-9 for time:
Squat cleans to overhead press
Burpee pullups
I used 95lbs (think Fran on this one) and it took me 13:55 to complete the workout. I was smoked afterward and it was all I could do to keep Mr Pukey from making an appearance. Just when I'm starting to get my breath and could start to feel my legs again. Dalton tells me there is just a little more. So to finish off I did 2 rounds of 100m Farmer's walk with 62lbs KBs in each hand and 100m medicine ball clean and throw. I'd clean the ball and then throw it (about 5m), run to it, pick it up and do it again until I completed the distance.
I really hate Cleans/thrusters/squat cleans but damn they are a great workout and my leg strength and explosive power will just get better from doing them. I love the feeling after a hard leg workout like that.
Have a great day friends!
Today I took a day off from the running and did a straight crossfit workout. I went back to Dalton's crossfit and pretty much had the box to myself. Here is what he had me do after a pretty good warm up.
21-15-9 for time:
Squat cleans to overhead press
Burpee pullups
I used 95lbs (think Fran on this one) and it took me 13:55 to complete the workout. I was smoked afterward and it was all I could do to keep Mr Pukey from making an appearance. Just when I'm starting to get my breath and could start to feel my legs again. Dalton tells me there is just a little more. So to finish off I did 2 rounds of 100m Farmer's walk with 62lbs KBs in each hand and 100m medicine ball clean and throw. I'd clean the ball and then throw it (about 5m), run to it, pick it up and do it again until I completed the distance.
I really hate Cleans/thrusters/squat cleans but damn they are a great workout and my leg strength and explosive power will just get better from doing them. I love the feeling after a hard leg workout like that.
Have a great day friends!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today was a crossfit intensive day! I started this morning with a solid crossfit endurance workout and then did my crossfit workout at lunch. As for the CFE workout I ran in the neighborhood behind the hotel. At one point in the run I was resting when a lady walking past asked me if I was ok. I said yes I'm fine I'm just doing some speed work. She said "you mean you run really fast for a few minutes and then rest", I said exactly! Maybe she was a crossfitter too!!
So the CFE workout today was 2 minutes on/1 minute off x 8 times. I think I did pretty good considering I just came off my little sickness. Here are the stats: 1 - 6:08 pace, .33 miles; 2 - 6:29 pace, .31 miles; 3 - 6:32 pace, .31 miles; 4 - 6:11 pace, .32 miles; 5 - 6:02 pace, .33 miles; 6 - 6:05 pace, .33 miles; 7 - 6:18 pace, .32 miles; 8 - 6:23 pace, .31 miles.
After that I had breakfast and took a 3 hour break. I went back to Dalton's Crossfit and since it's only about 1 mile from my hotel I just ran to the box. It was a good warm up and cool down after the workout. Here is what we did for a warmup and workout.
Jump rope (double unders, one leg, etc) 5 minutes
Explosive Pushups (Clapping) 4 x 5
1 - arm KB Cleans (Light weight)
1 - arm KB Swings (Light weight)
OH Squats (Light weight)
3 rounds for time of:
Front rack lunge (2 steps forward/2 steps backwards), OH Squat x 10
Double unders 15 seconds on/15 seconds off x 4
then rest 90 seconds between rounds
Rest 5 minutes
3 minutes on/1 minute off for 3 rounds of:
5 KB Cleans, 5 KB Swings right arm
5 KB Cleans, 5 KB Swings left arm
I used 75lbs for the lunges and OH squats. I used 26lbs for the KB cleans and swings. It was a good workout. The lunges and OH squats took me 23:37 to complete. My legs are smoked right now and it really feels good to be back to my normal level of soreness.
How does that overhead squat look? Jeannie??
Monday, March 1, 2010
New Crossfit Gym
Hello my friends!! I'm sorry for not posting anything yesterday but I ended up flying 7.1 hours and when I finally got to my hotel room I went straight to bed and sleep. Today however I didn't fly that long and I had time to workout.
I went to a new crossfit gym in Claremont, CA, it's called Dalton's Crossfit. Dalton is a very nice guy and has a very nice small gym. The really big bonus is that it's only 1 mile from my hotel. I just love convenience. Anyway today he had kind of an unusual workout but since it was my first day back after being sick I was glad to take it easy. Here is what we did.
Row 500 meters
3x5 pullups
Then 1 rep max Press, 3 rep max Push Press, 3 rep max Push Jerk followed by: 3 minutes on/2 minutes off of; 180* burpees, sledge hammering, wallball situps.
I was able to do 135lbs press. That has been my max for sometime now. I did 145lbs on the push press and 155lbs on the push jerk. When I started the 3 on/2 off I did a really good job counting the burpees (33) but I completely lost count on the sledge hammers and wall ball situps. Just to clarify the 180* burpees are done like regular burpees except that you spin 180* in the air on every jump. That is the first time I have ever done wall ball situps so I'm not sure how effective it was. I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm sore from doing them.
Overall it was a good workout to get back into the groove. Tomorrow I'll do an endurance and crossfit workout. I tell you it really feels good to be healthy again. I don't get sick very often but when I do it really kicks my ass....just like these workouts.
Have a good day!!
I went to a new crossfit gym in Claremont, CA, it's called Dalton's Crossfit. Dalton is a very nice guy and has a very nice small gym. The really big bonus is that it's only 1 mile from my hotel. I just love convenience. Anyway today he had kind of an unusual workout but since it was my first day back after being sick I was glad to take it easy. Here is what we did.
Row 500 meters
3x5 pullups
Then 1 rep max Press, 3 rep max Push Press, 3 rep max Push Jerk followed by: 3 minutes on/2 minutes off of; 180* burpees, sledge hammering, wallball situps.
I was able to do 135lbs press. That has been my max for sometime now. I did 145lbs on the push press and 155lbs on the push jerk. When I started the 3 on/2 off I did a really good job counting the burpees (33) but I completely lost count on the sledge hammers and wall ball situps. Just to clarify the 180* burpees are done like regular burpees except that you spin 180* in the air on every jump. That is the first time I have ever done wall ball situps so I'm not sure how effective it was. I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm sore from doing them.
Overall it was a good workout to get back into the groove. Tomorrow I'll do an endurance and crossfit workout. I tell you it really feels good to be healthy again. I don't get sick very often but when I do it really kicks my ass....just like these workouts.
Have a good day!!
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