Ironman Canada Goals

Here are my goals for Ironman Canada. I'm putting them on the blog so that everyday I'll be reminded of what I'm working toward.

Swim-1:00:00 T1-:4:00 Bike-5:30:00 T2-:4:00 Run-3:30:00

Total - 10:08:00

How to achieve world class fitness!!

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.
~Greg Glassman

Thursday, April 29, 2010

White Lake half Ironman

Well this will be my last post until Saturday night. I'm leaving in the AM for White Lake, NC. This is the longest triathlon I have ever done and I'm very excited about it. White Lake is a crystal clear spring fed lake that has a sand bottom and is only 15' deep. No worries about sharks on this one..hehe. The swim is 1.2 miles and my goal is 30 minutes. The bike route is on back country roads, well actually White Lake is so remote that all the roads are back country. Anyway, it's a 56 mile loop and my goal is 2 hours and 45 minutes. The run (my favorite part) is ran on the road that circles the lake. The lake is an almost perfect circle crater. It's an out and back course around the lake for 13.1 miles and my goal is 1 hour 45 minutes.

I'm ready, rested and excited about this trip. I'm looking forward to posting my results Saturday night. These results will shape my remaining training schedule for the big race in Aug.

Have a great weekend friends!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

45 years young

Well today was my 45th birthday. It has been a great day!! I'm still standing by the fact that I'm 45 from the neck up and only 30 from the neck down. I didn't do much of a workout but I did spend some quality time with my girls, my girlfriend and my girl friends girls. Yes I'm swimming in a sea of estrogen.

As far as workouts go I did manage to do a 25 minute swim this morning. I mainly concentrated on swim drills and pulling. We'll see how everything comes together this weekend at the White Lake Half Ironman. I also did 45 pull ups to honor my birthday.

Tonight I went out for mexican food with all my girls. Before we left the restaurant they brought me a shot of tequila and sang me happy birthday. It was quit the experience. Once we returned home my awesome girlfriend had a red velvet cake (my favorite) for me with candles that just can't be blown out. I had a big piece of cake and some icecream. That is not in my normal diet but it was damn good. Thank you Lisa for the wonderful birthday!!

Have a great day friends!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brick Day

Today is my full on brick day. The iron fit program calls for a 45 minute bike followed by a 15 minute run. I got up early and was on the road by 0730. I rode around Bay Island 3 times for a total time of 42 minutes with a distance of 12.7 miles. I returned home and did a quick change for my run. I took off and had that old familiar twang in my left ankle. I actually cut my run short so that I can just rest my ankle before the race on Saturday. Here is what I did run; 9:41 for 1.25 miles.

I spent the rest of the day getting my life in order. I'm still trying to get my house in order. I also took my girls to dinner and then brought them back to my house for baths and bedtime. It's just awesome having the girls here with me in my own home. Tomorrow this house becomes more of a home. I'm getting my living room furniture and my bedroom furniture. It's going to be a good day.

Take care my friends!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Well I thought that I was going to have lots of training time today. So I went off to work knowing that I would be back home by 1300 with plenty of time to run and then swim. I didn't bother to take workout clothes because what could happen. Well as I was about to leave around 1200 I was informed that I had to be at a 1500 meeting. Seriously?!?!? Ok, if you say so.....

Not to be to discouraged I just went to the exchange and bought a new pair of running shoes (I needed a pair), shorts and a heart rate monitor (been needing that too). I then went back to work and proceeded with the following workout. I did a 5 mile run with 6 x 100m sprints mixed in. My ultimate goal was to see what my heart rate is at race pace. Since I didn't have my GPS watch I had figure out the pace per mile after the run. The pace turned out to be 7:41 with an average heart rate of 138. I think that is pretty good for an old man.

Tonight I was invited to Lake Christopher in Virginia Beach. This was going to be a 1 mile open water (Lake) swim. The water was cold but not unbearable so off we went. The .97 mile route took me 28:10 to complete. Just as I was exiting the water I heard a loud boom of thunder and within minutes, no seconds, it was pouring down rain. Finished just in time. The good news is I now have a good place to train without worrying about sharks or jelly fish.

Have a good day!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hello friends! I'm back in VA BCH and enjoying my girls!! It's a short "visit" but I'll make the most of it while I'm here. This coming week is going to be busy. I have my 45th Birthday, my parents are coming to visit and I'm doing a half ironman. I'm looking forward to an enjoyable week.

Ok since I last posted on Thursday I have done two workouts. On Saturday I did a 1:30:00 ride with the group at Fat Frogs at Red Mill. It was an enjoyable and fast ride of 30 miles. I can't wait to ride with them again in the future. Plus I now know where I can ride without lots of traffic. After the ride I did a quick change and then ran 15 minutes with a distance of 2.25 miles.

Today I did a 30 minute bike at 100 RPM for a distance of 10 miles. I then did a 50 minute run with a distance of 6.5 miles. What a beautiful day for a bike and run. I'm glad to be home and working out in my back yard.

Have a good week friends!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

West Palm Beach to Virginia Beach

My time in West Palm Beach has come to an end. I'll be heading home this afternoon after I finish my final class. I would like to thank the folks at BGI Fitness, Todd, Dana and David for all their hospitality. They have a great box and the workouts were challenging and fun. I can't wait to come back and workout with them again. Check our there website at

This morning I decided to get my workout on before class this afternoon. I got up early and headed over to BGI fitness for a solid crossfit workout. We did 5 rounds for time of: 12 deadlift, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push jerks. I used 125 lbs and finished in 16:56. I know that 125 lbs doesn't sound heavy for deadlift or hang power cleans but putting that weight overhead 30 times is a bear. Good workout!

I was planning to get to the hotel and get out on the bike but on the way back at 0800 I realized that everyone was trying to get to work. Which means they were probably angry and still asleep. So I took some time for breakfast and headed out at 0900. I did a short brick workout today. I rode the bike 30 minutes, took a 3 minute break and then ran 15 minutes. On the 30 minute bike I was able to cover 10.5 miles with an average pace of 21 mph. After my transition I started my run. I ran 15:00 minutes and covered 2.14 miles for a pace of 7:03. I felt great during the brick and crossfit workouts today.

Now I have four hours of class and I'll be on the road again.

I'll post again when I get home.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Unexpected run

I'm finishing up my school this week and the schedule is a bit tight. I had pretty much written off running or biking this week. However we got out of class today about an hour early and headed down to the beach for a run. I'm here with a business partner and he wanted to do a 5 mile run. So I'm thinking that is a great idea, I'll run with you. He runs at about an 8 minute pace so I was looking forward to an easy relaxing run. Well after about one mile I just couldn't hold back any longer. So with the remaining time I decided to do an improvised crossfit endurance run. Instead of time I just used the remaining distance. 1.5 miles at best possible pace to the 2.5 mile turn around point. I didn't time the 1.5 mile run but my GPS watch showed 6:15 pace for most of the run. Once Austin caught up to me, resting at the 2.5 turn around, I ran 1 mile with him again and then took off again with 1.5 miles to go. On this leg I was able to maintain 6:30 for most of the run. So I'm happy to report that I was able to get a nice run in this afternoon. Which was complete unexpected.

I'm heading back to Virginia Beach tomorrow afternoon. I'm really looking forward to getting home and seeing "all" my girls.

Have a good day!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today was a long, long day!! I completed my training today for a new helicopter type rating. What does that really mean. Well a new type rating checkride is the same as getting a new Airline Transport Category (ATP) checkride. ATP is the highest certificate a pilot can get. This was my fourth type ride since getting my ATP many years ago. The stress and demands are the same now as they were 13 years ago. The good news is I passed and it's done.

I managed to get back to the hotel and get my swim gear for a little swim tonight. I was about 15 minutes late for swim team but I was able to get about 2000 meters completed. After that I meet my business partner Austin for dinner at Outback for a well deserved celebration dinner.

Now I'm back at the hotel and looking to get some sleep. I think I'll take tomorrow off and get back to it on Thursday morning.

Have a good day friends!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Did you guys miss me yesterday? Well you didn't miss much. I spent the day studying and being sick to my stomach. I must have eaten something yesterday morning that just didn't agree with my GI track. I spent most of the afternoon and evening just laying around. This morning I felt completely normal. Not sure what it was but I'm glad that it's gone. In light of being sick I decided to take the morning off from my workouts and take it easy. However that changed this evening when it was time for swimming.

It's amazing how much easier it is to swim when you're fresh. If you remember back a few weeks I talked about how I have to become a better swimmer. Well, I think I'm getting to that point. Tonight I felt strong and fast for the entire workout. I'm looking forward to continuing to improve my swim technique. Here is what I did tonight in the pool.

200m freestyle, 100m breast, 200m pull, 100m breast
6 x 75m freestyle, breast, freestyle (25m free, 25m breast, 25m free)
10 x 100m (2 free, 2 pull, 2 kick, 2 free, 2 pull)
8 x 50m (25m free all out, 25m easy)

Total distance was 2450 meters.

Have a great day!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today started with a nice slow 30 minute bike. The goal was to maintain 100 RPM or greater and do an easy spin. It was a nice morning except for the 3 minutes of pouring down rain. Luckily the rain was towards the end of my ride. I was able to cover 8.12 miles @ 16.1 mph.

After the ride I put the bike away and had some oatmeal. I then changed into running clothes and drove to Juno beach for my run. Juno beach is a very popular running and biking area. My running goal for today was 1 hour 15 minute with a heart rate between 138 and 155 bpm. I don't have a heart rate monitor here but I did stop once to check my heart rate which was right at 144 bpm. In the end I ran 9.89 miles @ 7:35 pace.

The rest of the day and tomorrow will be complete and total rest days.

I have been wanting to recap my weekly training and tonight will be the first of many recaps to come. So here is what I did this week:

Swimming - 7,850 meters
Biking - 90.14 miles
Running - 22.21 miles
Plus four crossfit workouts

It's been a good week. Life is Good!

Have a good weekend friends.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Easy day??

The only thing easy about today was I didn't have to do a crossfit workout. I did a long bike followed by a short run today. I started from my hotel and worked my way down to the beach. I then headed north along the beach road through Juno Beach and onto Jupiter island. It was a beautiful day for a ride minus the wind from the ocean. Regardless I made it back to the hotel 2 hours and 30 minutes after I had left. Total distance was 45 miles with an average speed of 18.1 mph. Not bad after the week of workouts I've had.

I then did a quick change at the hotel and headed out for a quick and short run. That transition time was 4:46. My after bike run was 15 minutes. During that my short run I was able to cover just over 2 miles. That was my easy day.

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today was a good day. I was able to ride, do crossfit and swim. I'm exhausted and heading to bed early. Here are the details:

Crossfit endurance bike doing 1 minute on/1 minute off x 9. I started with a nice warm up of 4 miles at a moderate pace. Then I started my count down timer on my GPS watch for the 1 minute on/1 minute off. On each minute on I went at best possible pace. Here are those results - 1) .38m @ 22.6mph, 2) .37m @ 22.3mph, 3) .38m @ 22.9mph, 4) .40 @ 23.9mph, 5) .38 @ 22.9mph, 6) .39m @ 23.7mph, 7) .40 @ 24mph, 8) .40 @ 23.9mph, 9) .38 @ 22.9mph. Total time riding today was around 45 minutes with warm up and cool down.

Next I was at BGI fitness for some crossfit. Today's workout was called the "Goat" it was made up for someones last birthday. Originally it was 26 rounds but today we got off easy with 20 rounds. You could do all 26 if you wanted the extra credit. I decided that I did enough extra credit events and went with 20 rounds.

20 rounds for time of: 1 muscle up, 2 hand stand push ups, 3 burpees, 4 GHD situps

My time was 23:13 and yes it was an ass kicker!! I spent sometime after the workout on a foam roller to workout the soreness in my back and legs. Those things are great!

Back at the hotel for a quick snack and then it was time for swim team. I'm really enjoying this masters swim program. I'll have to join the one in Virginia Beach when I get home. Anyway, tonight I could tell that I was getting tired from this busy week. My new rest day (Sunday) is just around the corner and I can't wait. So tonight at swim team I did the following events: 500m freestyle, 8 x 50m freestyle drills, 100m breast/back, 200m kickboard, 300m pull buoy, 400m freestyle, 300m pull buoy, 200m kickboard, 100m breast/back, done. Total distance - 2500m

Now I'm back at my hotel, showered, clean and finishing up a good paleo dinner of chicken breast, green beans and some nuts. I'm going to bed early tonight.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today I did a crossfit strength workout and a brick workout. The brick workout is something new to my training. I've done a few of them but I'm going to be doing them more often. The primary brick workout is the bike to run. I like to bike and I love to run so these should be fun to do.

So for crossfit I did max rep deadlift. Yes I know, I did that about 2 weeks ago but today had a twist. Doesn't everything about doing crossfit have a twist. I love it!! Here is what we did.

Body weight deadlift
Add 20 lbs every 2 minutes until failure
Then do max reps of body weight deadlift for 2 minutes

So my body weight is 175 lbs, but I started at 185 lbs, hey I'm an over achiever and it's just easier to set up the weights at 185 lbs, trust me! I then did the following sets every 2 minutes to failure. 185 lbs, 205 lbs, 225 lbs, 245 lbs, 265 lbs, 285 lbs, 305 lbs, 325 lbs. I then tried 335 lbs (only 10 lb increase) for a new max but I could only get it about 2" off the floor. I then reset my weights to 185 lbs and did 23 reps in 2 minutes.

Once I was finished blasting my legs and back I headed to a place called Juno Beach to ride and run. The wind today had to be at least 20-25 mph from offshore. Every time I would come to an opening in the brush along the road it would almost blow me over. It was brutal at times, especially when the condos were close the road causing a venturi effect. Here is my brick workout; bike :45 minutes, transition in less than 3 minutes, then run 30 minutes. Here are my distances and transition times.

Bike - 14.5 miles @ 18.4 mph
Trans - 2:18
Run - 4.25 @ 6:59 pace

I felt very good for both the bike and run. These workouts are designed to be done using a heart rate monitor so you can bike/run at a specific HR. I don't have a HR monitor so I'm looking at upgrading my Garmin 205 (no HR) to a Garmin 310xt (with HR). I'll keep you posted.

It was a good day!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Run - Crossfit - Swim

Today was my first triple workout. I really don't have a choice. I need to try and Swim/Bike/Run at least 3 times per week. After plugging that into my calendar I realized that there are just not enough days in the week to do each event three times. So I'm going to be doing run/swim or bike/run or bike/swim plus continue to do my four crossfit workouts a week. The good news is I'll be doing crossfit endurance workouts during the week so it's not like I'm going to be out running for 3 hours a day. Am I?

Here is what happened today......

CFE - 2 minutes on/1 minute off x 6: 1) 5:49 pace .34 miles, 2) 5:46 pace .35 miles, 3) 5:57 pace .34 miles, 4) 5:50 pace .34 miles, 5) 7:34 pace .26 miles, 6) 6:33 pace .31 miles

That workout was pretty straight forward. The reason for the slow down on events 5 and 6 was that I got a cramp in my right calf. It hurt like hell and still does.

Crossfit workout: 12 minute AMRAP of 8 box jumps, 8 roman chair situps, 8 reverse burpees. Rest 2 minutes then: 12 minute AMRAP of 8 lateral jumps, 8 floor sweeps, 8 get ups.

I did 8 rounds on the first AMRAP and 5 rounds on the second AMRAP. The second AMRAP was much harder than the first.

Swim team workout: 400m freestyle, 300m pull only (no legs), 200m kick board, then 4 x 50 swim drills, 4 x 50 pulling only, 4 x 50 freestyle, then 2 x 300m freestyle (slow, medium, fast).

That was my day and now I'm ready for bed. I'm looking forward to more days like today because there will be many like it.

Have a great day.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to work

I'm not taking a rest and recovery day after yesterday's triathlon because I took 3 days off last week. Besides the triathlon was basically just another workout and a tune up race. So today I was back at BGI fitness for some crossfit fun. Today's WOD was:

5 rounds for time of:
40 double unders
20 Kettlebell swings
10 walking lunges (each leg)

I used 53 lbs for my KB swings and I carried 26 lb KB's in each hand for the lunges. When all was said and done my time was 18:04. Not to bad for a recovery workout.

I then took a 3 hour rest before doing a swim workout with the local Master's swim team here in Palm Beach, FL. The workout tonight was done in the pouring rain. I'm just glad that it didn't lighting and thunder on us. Anyway here is what we did: 4 x 200m (freestyle, pull only, kick board, freestyle) then 10 x 150 (Odd # pull only, Even # freestyle) with 20 second rest between sets. I didn't time any of these swims. Instead I just concentrated on form, pulling and breathing. I will be a better swimmer!!

Have a good day friends.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nautica South Beach Triathlon

Today was the first triathlon of the year. This was a sprint triathlon of .5 mile swim, 19 mile bike and 4 mile run. The day was perfect! It was overcast with east winds of 10-15 mph and 78 degrees. The only down side was the waves in the Atlantic. It was probably 2-3 foot seas rolling into the beach. Sea temp of 76 degrees.

I got to the transition area early and set up my bike and gear. I then stood back and thought about the layout of my gear and decided to re-arrange it again. I probably did that about 3 different times before I was happy with my little area. Finally I grabbed my wetsuit and went to the pre race meeting. That meeting was at 0710 and my wave start wasn't until 0755 so I headed back to my hotel, which was very close by, to avoid the port-a-potties. Once back at the beach I had about a 15 minute wait for my start. I didn't do a swim warm up other than rotating my arms back and forth. Once the cannon, yes they had a cannon, went off I was moving for the water. The waves were breaking for the first 100 to 150 feet off the beach. Then it was just 2-3 foot waves. My reward for not warming up was that I didn't really get into my groove until about halfway down the swim course. The good news is that it wasn't very crowded so I didn't get kicked in the face or swam over. The worst of it was getting a few mouthfuls of water, but I survived and finally made the beach. Once at the beach we had to run 200 meters before the swim to run transition time started.

The first transition went pretty smooth. I need to work on a few things to help me get in and out of transition faster. I had water to spray the sand off my feet but didn't really need it since the run from the water had knocked most of it off. I had a little trouble with my wetsuit but not to much. I was worried the most about forgetting something I might need for the bike. Somehow I got out of there without forgetting anything.

The bike was awesome! The course was well laid out and the Miami PD did a great job controlling traffic. I had a 20.8 mph average and felt great the entire time. I actually think I could have rode harder. I was only passed by four people on the entire bike course. I caught all but one of them before the race ended.

The second transition went pretty smooth also. I got into my bike slot and put the bike away. I put on my running shoes and was starting to head out when I realized that I still had my helmet on. I quickly removed it and started out. I also had to take a pee break before getting out of transition, which cost me some more time.

The run was an out and back along the beach boardwalk. It's a small boardwalk and at some points it got a little crowded but not so bad that I ever had to slow down. Once again I felt great coming off the bike and was able to maintain a 6:28 pace for the entire run. I was lucky enough not to be passed by anyone on the run course. Running is my best event and I look forward to that point of the event. The finish line was on the beach with bleachers filled with spectators cheering and clapping. It was a quick, fast and very enjoyable race.

Times: Swim - 16:04, T1 - 2:20, Bike - 54:44, T2 - 2:45, Run - 25:54

Total time: 1:41:49 which gave me 11th in my age group and 70th overall male.

Life is good!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

This week of tapering is just flying by. I was able to get down to Ft. Lauderdale again today to see my little ladies. We went to the beach for a few hours and body surfed, built a sand castle and dug a huge hole at the high tide line. Then they had a nice dinner of pizza, corn and salad. I just watched and talked with them since I don't eat pizza or corn. After dinner we went and did some shopping for t-shirts. It was a great time and I'm always glad to get a few hours with my girls.

Well if you're new to my blog and you're wondering why I haven't posted any workouts this week it's because I've been seeing my kids, hanging out with my girlfriend and her kids and taking it easy for the Nautica south beach triathlon this Sunday. I'm doing the sprint triathlon in Miami's south beach. The swim is 1/2 mile, the bike is 19 miles and the run is 4 miles. I should be able to get it done in about 1:45:00 minutes. I'll report back on Sunday night to let you know.

Don't look for me the next two night because I'll be traveling a lot over the next 48 hours. Have a great weekend friends.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Perfect Taper Day

I'm getting ready to do my first triathlon since 1992 on Sunday. I'm ready and excited about the event. So today I didn't do crossfit or swimming or biking or running. What I did was much more important and it's something that will be remembered long after I'm gone and forgotten by most people. I spent the afternoon and evening with my three daughters. My ex rented a house about an hour from where I'm working and today I got to see my girls for the first time in over two weeks. My oldest (8) and I body surfed and boogie boarded together for about an hour. The two little ones (5 & 6) only got into the waves a few times with me. Once it started to get to cold we headed back to the house and played in the pool.

After getting them and myself cleaned up we all went to dinner at a restaurant on the inter-coastal waterway. After dinner we watched people feed big Jack Carvelle fish off the pier by the restaurant. Like all good times with my girls it had to come to an end. So I gave them all hugs and kiss before heading back to my hotel. I know that I was only there for a few hours but I hope that someday far in the future they will remember when "Daddy" came to the beach in FL and played with them. I love them so much!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bike - Hill repeats

Today I didn't do any crossfit. I'm getting ready for a sprint triathlon this coming weekend in South Beach so I'm "kind of" taking it easy this week. Plus my lady Lisa is in town visiting her brother (and me) so crossfit can wait a few days.

Ok back to the workout that I did today. I took the crossfit endurance workout and made some of my own modifications. I really don't think I'm putting enough time on my body to be competitive in an ironman event. The key word here is competitive!! I do think that if you want to complete an ironman you can do it with nothing other than crossfit and crossfit endurance. However you'll have to do the bike at 16 mph and the run at a 10 minute pace. That is just my opinion after doing two half marathons and a full marathon doing nothing but crossfit and crossfit endurance. Even thought I PR'd each half marathon I was lacking energy and strength in the final few miles. So once again I'm going to be making some modification to my program over the next few weeks.

The crossfit endurance workout today was 12 x 20 second sprints with 2 minute recovery.
Here is the first workout modification. I rode 5 miles spinning at 100 RPM to a bridge that goes over the inter-coastal waterway. I then did 12 hill repeats over that bridge at best possible pace with 30 second recovery. I then returned to my hotel covering the same 5 miles spinning at 100 RPM. Total time today was 1 hour with 17 miles covered.

Remember that my goal is not to just finish Ironman Louisville, but I want to be competitive.

Have a nice day friends!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wetsuit swim

On Friday I talked about getting a new wetsuit. Well I did just that with a trip to which has a warehouse in Miami. The owners were very helpful and had me try on 4 different suits. I finally decided on a sleeveless Blue Seventy Axis with Quintana Roo swim sleeves. The sleeves give it the feel of a full suit without covering the arms.

Today I found a place to swim inside the inlet near Singer Island. It's not open water but it is salt water and is a good place for me to get my feet wet doing open water swims. Plus it has a life guard just in case. The area is 150m long and marked by 5 bouy's. Today I swam back and forth for 30:00 minutes and did 10 links for a total of 1450m. I'm very unhappy with that time especially since a wetsuit should help you swim a bit faster. I should be able to do 1600 plus meters in 30:00. I really need to work on my swimming speed......
The good news is I can swim in a pretty straight line. Now I just need to turn over my stroke at a faster pace and get moving.

Have a good day friends!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Brick day

Today I did another brick workout. I upped the distance on this one and I could tell the difference. I really enjoy the crossfit endurance workouts more than these long steady rides and runs but I believe the are very important to doing well in half ironman and ironman events.

I went out early this morning just after sunrise to try and bet the heat. I didn't really have much luck with that since it was 70 degrees at 7:30 this morning. I did a 40 mile ride starting from my hotel and heading down to the beach road I used last week. I took a different route getting there since I needed to add about 4 miles to get 40 miles round trip. The route out was very nice, I was fresh, with light winds. I made it to the turn around point in just under 1 hour and didn't stop to rest or relax. I immediately turned around and headed back toward the hotel. Of course when I turned around I realized that I had a tail wind for the last 16 miles. Not to be discouraged I just stayed in my aero position and kept hammering away. I didn't allow myself to look at the mileage as I rode because it didn't matter. I just had to ride until I got back to the hotel. My time for the 40 miles was 2:05:00 with a average speed of 19.2 mph. That is just a little short of my 20 mph goal. But hey I'm working on it. I ate two Larabar's and one e-gel on my ride. Total calories where 590 calories of intake for the 2 hours. I think that might still be a little short of were I should be.

I then put the bike away, got some water and drove down to the beach to run. I did a 8 mile out and back run along the same rode I had just been on. The time between bike ending and run starting was about 30 minutes. When I started it was hot!! I would say it was around 80 degrees when I started my run. I felt pretty good but had to stop several times for water along the way. Thankfully they have water fountains along the sidewalk. I also had one e-gel during my run. Around the 5 mile mark I started getting a cramp in my left thigh just like I had at the marathon. I immediately stopped and stretched it out for about 15 seconds, got some more water and it never bothered me again. I need to put a stop to that!! So my run time was 1:04:30 which was an 8:04 pace. That is a little slower than I want to be running for that distance but it was my first time going 40 miles on the bike this year. I'm looking forward to more of these brick workouts. They will only help to train my body for the long haul ahead.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Today was my last day working out this week. I'm ready for a rest day. But first I headed over to BGI Fitness for my crossfit WOD. David was working the floor and demonstrated the exercises for today's WOD. Today was a combo of strength and endurance. Cleans and Jerks, ball slams and double unders. Here is how we worked it:

10, 9, 8, 7, 6......1

Squat clean, reset Jerk or split jerk
ball slams
25 double unders after odd numbered rounds

I did 95lbs for the cleans and jerks, which was the RX'd weight for this workout. I used a 20 lbs slam ball which was also the RX'd weight. My time was 19:26 and it was an ass kicker!! I know you've heard it before but I really love the "OMG I can't breath am I dying feeling" I have after a crossfit workout.

I took some time for dinner and then went to a master's swim team workout. They workout at a local Palm Beach Country Club and they have a 50m pool. I'm not sure I can remember all that we did but I'll try. To warm up we did 4 x 200m (free style, kick board, swim buddy float, back). Then we did a variety of 25m swims. The main workout was 4 x 200m with arms only with swim buddy on 1 and 3, full swim on 2 and 4. Then 4 x 150m using fins (yes fins) free style 1 and 3, kick board 2 and 4. Then we did 4 x 25m all out with a brief rest between events. We finished off with an easy 100m swim. It was a good workout and I'm glad that I went. I will probably only go to a couple of these workouts because they are not what I'm looking to do. I'm going to try and stay as close to crossfit endurance as possible. I will go and use the pool during the day, especially since it's a 50m pool.

I'm going wetsuit shopping tomorrow since it's my rest day. I'll let you know if I get one.

Have a nice day!
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